Women Who Miami for Mothers
Women Who Miami for Mothers

First Day of School – Navigating the Jitters

The first day of school is always a mix of excitement and nerves, both for kids and parents. As my kids embarked on their new school journey this year, I found myself navigating two very different but equally intense sets of emotions. My autistic child had his unique challenges, and my strong-willed child was ready to take on the world – on their terms, of course. Here’s how we managed to turn those first-day jitters into a positive experience for everyone.

Embracing the First-Day Jitters

It’s natural to feel anxious about the first day of school, especially after a long summer break. I reminded myself that these jitters are a sign that something important is happening…it’s a new beginning, filled with opportunities to learn, grow, and make new friends. Instead of brushing off these feelings, we acknowledged them. We talked about what each of us was feeling and why, turning our jitters into a shared experience rather than something to fear. Praying for your kids for the new school year is a meaningful way to set a positive tone and ask for guidance, protection, and blessings as they embark on their educational journey.

Tips for Easing Into the School Routine

  1. Start Early: We began preparing for school a couple of weeks before the first day. Gradually shifting back to school-friendly bedtimes and wake-up times helped ease the transition. This gave us time to adjust without the stress of an abrupt change. The night before I like to spread out all their clothes and book bags so they can be excited for what’s to come.
  2. Visual Schedules: For my autistic child, getting him into a routine was more challenging. Summer he was breaking the record of waking up late every day! We simply started shortening naps and going to sleep early. Sleep is so important, especially for him so we make sure to have him rest to be in a good mood.
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Eli thrives on encouragement. I made a point to celebrate small victories, like getting dressed on time or doing something on his own. This not only built his confidence and independence but also made the morning routine something he looked forward to.
  4. Personalizing the Experience: Allowing Eli to have some control over their morning choices, like picking out their clothes or deciding what to have for lunch, helped them feel empowered. This made the transition smoother and reduced the likelihood of morning battles.

Special Considerations for My Autistic Child

Preparing my autistic child for the first day required a bit more thought and planning. Here are some strategies that worked well for us:

  • Social Stories: We had a meet and greet with the teachers and I BROUGHT THE KIDS. Luckily Joa had the same teacher from last year (whom we adore) so he was familiar with where the classroom was and his teacher. I find this to be a big step for both the kids to ease into the first day when they already have a familiar place they visited with mom and dad.
  • Sensory Tools: Joa always has a comfort toy in his hand. So obviously the first day he had to have one in his hand all the way to the classroom. Once he got into his class he let it go and automatically felt comfortable in his classroom and ran to what he was familiar with.
  • Clear Communication with the School: I communicated with his teacher and ensured he was taken care of with all his needs. Having an open line of communication ensured that they were prepared to support my child throughout the day.

Encouraging My Strong-Willed Child

Eli thrives in environments where he feels in control, so I focused on strategies that allowed him to express his independence while still following the necessary routine:

  • Choices: Offering limited choices in the morning, such as which cereal to eat or which shoes to wear, gave them a sense of control and helped them avoid power struggles.
  • Setting Clear Expectations: I explained the importance of certain non-negotiables, like getting to school on time. We discussed why these rules existed and how they helped everyone have a better day. He has also learned from the past two years he’s been in school that when we are late his routine is changed because I would have to walk him to the office and he doesn’t like that.
  • Reward System: We have tried to introduce a simple reward system, where good behavior and cooperation in the morning earn small rewards. This is new to us still but we are hoping it will turn the routine into a fun game and motivate him to stay on track. (Still working on this)

Wrapping Up the Day

After school, we took the time to decompress and talk about how the day went. Listening to their experiences, both good and bad, helped me understand what worked and what needed adjusting. It also reinforced the idea that we’re all in this together, learning and growing as a family.

The first day of school is a big milestone, but with a bit of planning and a lot of patience, it can be a positive and memorable experience for everyone involved. Whether you’re dealing with an autistic child, a strong-willed child, or a combination of both, remember that the key is to embrace their individual needs and celebrate their unique strengths. Here’s to a great school year ahead!

My Prayer for their School Year

Dear Heavenly Father,

I lift up Joa and Eli to You as they start this new school year. I pray that You surround them with Your love, guidance, and protection each day. Grant them wisdom and understanding as they learn new things, and help them to stay focused and diligent in their studies. May they grow in knowledge and develop a love for learning that reflects Your creativity and wonder.

I pray that Joa and Eli build strong, positive friendships this year—friendships that encourage them, uplift them, and inspire them to be their best selves. Help them to show kindness and compassion to others and to stand up for what is right. Give them the courage to face any challenges they encounter and the resilience to overcome any obstacles.

Lord, I also pray for all the children returning to school this year. May Your presence be with them in every classroom, playground, and school bus. Protect them from harm, give them peace in their hearts, and fill them with confidence to face each day. Guide their teachers and school staff to be patient, caring, and wise in their roles.

May this school year be a time of growth, joy, and discovery for all children. Let them know that they are never alone because You are always with them, guiding and watching over them.

In Jesus’ name, I pray,

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