Embracing the Journey with Autism

Now that we have visited my little corner of the world, it’s safe to say my biggest journey would be becoming a mother. Becoming responsible for someone other than yourself can be very intimidating. At least that is how I felt with the mere thought of having a child of my own. Yet here I am mom of three and loving every moment of it.

Motherhood is a delicate dance of balance. Juggling the demands of nurturing a child or children, maintaining a household, and pursuing personal dreams can feel like walking a tightrope. Yet, within the chaos, there’s a rhythm that you pick up, guided by patience, and determination.

My Children

I have been blessed with three beautiful boys, Christian, Eli and Joa. Christian being the oldest at 16 years of age I consider my bonus child. Since my stepson also inspired me to have children, he holds a special place in my heart.Helping to raise a teenager while having toddlers has its challenges but Christian is a great older brother and more than I can ask for.

Eli, my first born, at five years of age going on twenty five. Imagine that ray of sunshine you get in the early morning or right after a gentle rain shower, that is my Eli. He inherited creativity from his mama. With crayons and paper, blocks or digital apps, this child constructs elaborate stories and builds intricate structures, each a product of a vivid imagination.  I really cannot wait to watch him grow and shine all his years.

And lastly but certainly not the least I have my Angel baby Joa. Joa is three years old and I can’t wait for the day that we will see him outrun his brothers in everything he does, in Jesus’ name! From the moment he opened his beautiful brown chinito eyes, I knew he would make me fall in love with him every single day in a new way.

Autism Diagnosis

Although motherhood in general is 100% a journey, my journey, I’m embracing in this text is about my Joa. Doctors diagnosed Joa as being on the spectrum. Autism, also known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), involves difficulties with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication, alongside unique strengths and differences.

The term “spectrum” in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to the wide variation in challenges and strengths possessed by each person with autism. Children with autism bring a unique and beautiful perspective to the world. Their ability to see things differently, their honesty, and their exceptional focus on interests can inspire and teach us about the value of viewing life through different lenses.

Diagnosing autism involves several challenges, as there is no medical test, such as a blood test, to diagnose. Instead, physicians and psychologists assess the child’s behavior and development. We started to notice changes in Joa, after developing all very normal in his milestones, around almost a year old. We saw a significant decline in speech and eye contact. Along with the familiar other symptoms they look for in children under the spectrum he started to fall under.

Be Proactive not Reactive

Thankfully we took action as soon as we could. We can all definitely see progress through therapy. The biggest signs would be: social communication, interaction or eye contact, and lack of response to their name. Another sign would be any type of repetitive behaviors. For Joa, he used his hands and waved them in front of his face as a repetitive moment. The biggest shock for me was the sensory issues to food. I had no idea this was even a thing! Welllpppp it is! And has been probably the most frustrating in my opinion.

As a mom you just want to make sure your child is fed and nourished and lets be honest, that they have a full belly so they can sleep the entire night for you to get rest. When food became an issue, it rang a bell for me the most. 

Do your Research

The biggest thing would be to research as much as you can. There are so many different organizations, such as UM-NSU CARD, that help with these situations to help guide parents for a bright future for your children. I have been so blessed to surround myself in community that God has placed so many different people in my life to help me in this walk I’m in with my angel baby.  People I haven’t spoken to in years popping into my feed with the urge to talk about solutions we can take to better Joa’s journey and wondering why they had this urge and the only answer to that is God. Only special people are called to raise children with any type of disability. What I would always like to say is it’s not a disability is a special ability.

School and Autism

Joa does attend a regular school setting but in a special class which is important. More teachers looking after him and smaller class for more attention and one on one. I have been blessed to find a great school where both Eli and Joa can attend together. I love to hear stories when I pick them up how Eli saw Joa today in the cafeteria and he ate lunch with him or played together in the playground. His teachers are amazing and make my life much easier by not having to worry about him throughout the day knowing he is in good hands and he is also comfortable with them.

Educating others and yourself about autism is a continual process. Each day may bring new discoveries about how your child experiences the world, and each interaction is a chance to teach others about acceptance. Everyday I witness the marvels of this beautiful boys wonderful mind. In this journey, every small step forward is a triumph, and every challenge overcome a testament to our dedication and love.

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