So you have this dream, this passion, and you’d love to take the leap and pursue it full time, but you ask yourself time and time again, “is it even possible? How am I even going to do it? What if it doesn’t work out? Do I have enough savings?”
All these questions are valid, because it’s something you’ve never done before.
We’re used to a stable paycheck, the 9am to 5pm office job and the security the corporate world provides.
Taking a leap of faith for what sets your soul on fire can be risky, scary, and fulfilling, ALL at the same time.
About 8 months ago, I took a huge leap of faith after pursuing photography on the side for about 12 years. It felt like it was finally time to pursue it full time. I was experiencing burn out from the corporate world and all the years of working hard with the end goal of one day pursuing my dream. There was fear, doubt, and the idea of letting go of stability is what made me stop multiple times.
The one thing that helped this time around was determination, preparation, faith and mainly community. These 4 things were the push I needed for me to finally jump.
But is it ever really the “right” time?
Per my personal experience, the answer is no. It’s never really the “right time.”
Something could always happen to not make it the “right” time.
Could you prepare for it? Yes. Preparation for a future of unknowns, is what I’d say is ultimately needed.
Knowing when to pursue your passions full time is a blend of intuition and practicality.
Here are some practical and important tips that could help, if you’re thinking about taking the leap:
Ensure you have enough savings, or a steady income to support yourself for a certain period of time, as you hit the transition phase.
You’ll know its time to take the leap, when you measure your passion and commitment level towards your pursuit. If both are aligned, and it’s something you can’t stop thinking about and are willing to work hard for, it might be time.
Research your niche & potential opportunities. Be certain about what you want your business to be about, ensure your niche and vision are aligned with it.
Equip yourself with necessary skills and knowledge to grow. Continuous learning is crucial.
Remember, we never stop evolving in our craft.
Build a network of mentors, supporters, who can guide you and provide valuable feedback along the way, be aware who you’re surrounding yourself with.
Community is essential, we are not meant to do life alone.
I don’t think people really talk about this often.
You have to be emotionally prepared for the ups and downs of pursuing your passion full time. It’s quite the journey, it’s not easy at first, until it is. The key to this journey is resilience, consistency, and perseverance. There will be days of doubt, and there will be days where you’ll feel like you have it all figured out. It may all feel too uncertain at some point, but if you keep going, knocking on new opportunities, seeking growth in your craft, it will play all out at the right time. The key is to keep going and remember your WHY (why you started).
All in all, trust your instincts and prepared to embrace a whole new journey that requires determination and perseverance.
Side note: it IS possible. It’s up to us to limit that possibility.
You got this!